The Rotary Club of Dubai is making a
significant impact in supporting inclusive education through initiatives like Jad’s Inclusion Center. By generously sponsoring essential equipment, such as a power arrangement supply and interactive board, the club ensures that Jad's Inclusion Center can continue its vital work in supporting children who struggle to find
acceptance and efficiency within traditional schooling systems.
Jad’s Inclusion was founded out of a mother’s quest to provide her autistic son, Jad, with the educational environment he deserved after facing rejection from 22 Dubai schools. Despite her efforts to integrate him into a mainstream school, it became clear that it wasn’t the right fit for Jad. Motivated by her son’s struggles, Rana Akkad launched the not-for-profit Modern Alternative Education in 2016, later renaming it Jad’s Inclusion in memory of Jad after his untimely death in 2018. The school aims to bridge the gap between special needs education and mainstream schooling, providing children with mild special needs the inclusive educational opportunities they deserve. Rotary Club of Dubai has supported this noble cause, sponsoring vital resources like an Interactive board and Power Arrangement supply to enhance the learning environment for these children.
Inclusive education empowers individuals on the autism spectrum, enabling them to reach their full potential. By embracing different approaches and creating inclusive practices, we can establish environments that celebrate diversity, promote inclusion, and unlock the unique talents of all learners.
Education is one of the Seven Areas of Focus of Rotary and Rotary Club of Dubai annually designates time and resources to support such aspects of society that create impact and help the community.